How do I know if I set up my node correctly?

If the status says READY, then you've done everything properly. Some projects take over 48 hours to get a reward. All nodes are in a queue so there's no expediting this process. A new address will be created automatically and rewards will go in there. You won't see this address until after first payout.

Error: Please enter the wallet passphrase with walletpassphrase first. (code -13)

Settings -> Unlock

Someone asked me to run the dumpprivkey command from my wallet

That person is a scammer. This command outputs your private key, which can be used to access your funds. DO NOT send this to anyone.

Waiting for ProTx to appear on-chain

You'll need to wait for the block height to sync to the main chain. Afterwards it should switch to Ready.

error code: -28 error message: Loading block index...

The processes are just loading

bad-protx-operator-payee (code 16) (code -1)

You may have put in an address for the 4th variable in the protx command when it should be just double quotes ""

How do I unlock a node?

Activate the Coin Control features under settings -> options -> wallet.

To unlock a node, click Send--->Inputs---rclick on the address you want to unlock--->Unlock it-->put a check next to that line-->click OK-->then send some or all of that to a new address, this will kill the node.

How can I see my smartnode in my wallet?

Settings -> wallet -> enable coin control and smartnodes

invalid collateral amount: amount=1 (code -50)

Take the transaction ID into the project's explorer and look at the transaction. You may have pasted the wrong transaction ID altogether, or used the wrong index value (0 or 1) when building your protx command.

NOTE: If the required collateral is 600,000, it needs to be sent in a single transaction with that amount. It doesn't matter if you have more than the required collateral in the address.

I can't see my payout address. Do I need to set one up?

Your payout address will automatically get created for you once you receive your first reward.

When will I get my reward?

For Neoxa, it can take up to 48 hours. If the status of your node is Ready you've done everything correctly, so be patient and it will arrive.

Error: Invalid value. Must be a 64 character hex value.

You probably pasted the wrong thing. Make sure to paste just the key inside the quotes.

Do I need to keep my PC on and wallet open?


Local address does not match the address from ProTx

You may have submitted the wrong IP or Port when registering your node. You'll need to run the protx update_service command from your wallet

I can't seem to open the wallet on my MAC

Start the terminal in the folder where your neoxa-qt (replace with other project's qt file) is and type sudo chmod +x neoxa-qt enter your systempassword and you can open afterwards.

Can I run more than one node in a wallet?

Yes, for QT wallets, you want to save them to different addresses so your collateral is seperated between your nodes.

The collateral requirements have changed, what do I need to do?

Activate the Coin Control features under settings -> options -> wallet.

Restart your wallet and go to send. Click on Inputs under Coin Control Features. Click on toggle lock state and you will see that you can now select your node with the old collateral amount. Select this and click on OK.

Send this amount to a normal address with the button use available balance. Wait for confirmation, at least 1 block.

Restart your wallet.

Now you can create a new node using the procedure you are familiar with.

The collateral requirements have changed from 900,000 to 1.1M. Can I just send 200,000 more to the collateral address?

No, the nodes work by looking at transactions on the blockchain. If the collateral amount is 1.1M, then it needs to be sent in one transaction. If you need to unlock the original node amount, then look above for the steps to unlock a node.

My wallet says that it cannot connect to any peers.

Follow the instructions here: https://coinguides.org/adding-wallet-nodes/ to add a node to your wallet. You may have to grab an existing node's IP from the explorer so that it can find additional peers.

bad-protx-ipaddr (code 16) (code -1)

Double check the IP address is the right one from the dashboard.


You probably have 2+ nodes and when trying to register your second, you have used the same key accidentally twice.

Last updated